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Hi, I’m Amos. I’m an energetic and adventurous 2-year-old mixed breed boy, living with my foster family in Auckland. 

I’m affectionately known as a bit of a busybody. I love nosing about. 

And when I’m pondering something, my top lip curls up on one side.  

I’m certainly a unique bundle! 

My foster mum says I’m “a big doofus” and a “slobbery joy to have round the place.” 

It’s true. I’m a loyal, very loving boy… and I’ve already formed a strong bond with my foster family.   

And that’s a great thing. You see, I can be a little nervous meeting new people and it takes me a while to warm up to strangers.  

So, my foster mum thinks a quieter home, with some space for me to run, would suit me well.  

I’m a boy’s boy. I love nothing more than a rough and tumble with my foster dad.  

She thinks a childfree dog-experienced couple - with less daily comings and goings - would suit me best.  

I’m very much a confident social butterfly with my fellow canines – especially the little ones. 

I currently live with another dog, Roxy. We’re great friends.   

My FAVE toy is my deer antler and, I must say, I’m very good when Roxy steals it! 

My foster mum thinks I’d be fine as a solo doggy or sharing with a cruisy canine, which may help me settle into new surroundings quicker. 

I haven’t met cats yet, so she’s not sure how I’d be sharing a house with one. 

I don’t ask for much in life. A nice big walk in the morning, with my human, and the chance to rip up and play with my deer antler, pig ears and bones… and I’m a happy guy! 

My foster mum says my training’s coming along well. I’m amazing off leash and have GREAT recall too.  

I’ve really learned a great deal and been through a lot recently.  

You see, last year, I had an accident where I broke my back legs.  

I had to have a leg operation. Throughout it all, I was a brave boy and recovered well. 

I absolutely LOVE swimming, which has really helped with my healing too. 

And, fortunately, I’ve never been a dog that jumps. 

When I run now, my back legs do stick out a little.  

My foster mum says it’s just part of what makes me unique and special.  

She’ll certainly be sad when the time comes to say goodbye.  

I’ve had a tough go of it, she says, and I really deserve to find kind-hearted humans that’ll love me the rest of my days.  

So if you’re looking for a loyal loving lad, that’ll keep you smiling through your days, I hope you’ll consider welcoming ME into your life. 

Can't adopt Amos? You can still help.

Although we charge a small adoption fee, this doesn't generally cover the costs of us getting our dogs ready for adoption. Desexing, grooms, vet care, vaccinations, registration, training and variety of other things can go into these dogs. If you'd like to help either on a one off or regular basis we would be grateful for your donation.


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