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Adoption Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you adopt to homes outside of Auckland?

ABSOLUTELY! Perfect homes can be anywhere. As long as you follow all of the adoption criteria, we are happy to consider a home anywhere in New Zealand. We have had some hugely successful adoptions in the South Island.

You will need to attend a meet & greet in Auckland with your family and existing dogs.

Can you tell me about the dogs pasts?

We often don't share our dogs pasts for many reasons - privacy issues, legally unable to or simply there is nothing to tell.  We always say that we don't share a dogs past unless it is pertinent to their future. 
But we've seen a post that says it so much better than we ever could.

From the team at Mirror Image K9:

If you’ve adopted a dog from a shelter, first of all, thank you. With shelters at full capacity so often, you’ve been a small part of the solution to such a pervasive problem. But just as important, you’ve been a BIG part of the solution for YOUR dog.

Some rescue dogs come from really tough backgrounds. They carry baggage with them that needs to be unpacked with the support of their new families. Some rescue dogs manage to avoid too much of a struggle on their way to their forever homes and are taken care of by loving foster families while they patiently await their perfect fit.

But the common thing that ties most rescue dogs together is…they had a life before you. And because we’re humans, we tend to imagine the worst of the worst. Sometimes, we know for a fact what our dogs went through to get to us. Other times, we assume our dog went through traumatic experiences based on certain behaviors they offer us when we first get to know them.

But if there is one thing I can urge you to do, regardless of what you know or don’t know about your dog’s past…Let it go.

Let them move on. Let them finally stop being a rescue and become rescued.

It doesn’t matter what happened before you. Because you’re here now.

They’re safe now. By treating them like you have something to make up for, you hold them in the past.

Let them feel the amazing feeling of being loved and cared for by a permanent family just because they’re them, not because they may have gone through something horrible.

Let the past go.

Enjoy your rescued dog.

Let them be rescued.

Not sure which dog you want to adopt?

Keep an eye on our Facebook and Website and apply when you see what dog you think you'd like to adopt. Make sure you read their profiles to understand the kind of home they need to save disappointment.

My property isn't fully fenced. Can I still adopt?

If you are living on a farm, or similar, you will need to be able to provide information about how you can contain the dog and keep him/her safe. If we are satisfied that you can do so, we will still consider you for adoption.

What if the trial doesn't work out? Can I adopt another dog?

Although we do try and match you to the right dog the first time, sometimes it doesn't work out, so we are may look at another dog and see how they fit in with your family.

How much is the adoption fee and when do I pay this?

Our adoption fees are:
$600 - 0-2 years
$500 - 2-7 years
$400 - 8+ years
This covers microchipping inc registration on NZCAR, full vaccinations (all 3 + boosters), desexing and council registration costs (current year up to 30 June only). This also covers any other treatments they've had as well.
NB: If a trial is ended within 1 calendar month of the dog going on trial we will refund your adoption fee minus $100 which covers costs and support the dog moving back into foster care. After 1 month there is no refund available - We will take the dog back however.

The dogs profile says no cats/young kids or an only dog home, is this negotiable?

In order for our dogs to reach their full potential, we ask that you please respect the fact that our team and trainers have agreed that a home without cats or young children, or as an only dog, would be best for them. We have invested countless hours into getting to know each pup and want to ensure they are given every opportunity to succeed.

Can I ask to meet all the dogs I select?

We are unable to have Meet and Greets on demand.  Our dogs are all in foster care with families who have other commitments so we do not expect them to be on call all the time, and we set up meet and greets at scheduled times so they are able to work around this.
Some dogs receive huge amounts of applications (Some over 30) so we do not have the capacity to let everyone meet each dog, and shortlist to the homes most appropriate for the dog for our meet and greets. 

Why does the dogs profile say you are rehoming to Auckland Only?

There could be a variety of reasons for this, but each one is made with careful consideration of the dogs needs, and is not made lightly.
In the case of puppies we do this to ensure all vet appointments, most importantly desexing, is completed before full adoption of the dog. We have special deals with vets in Auckland to bring down the total costs.
For any other dog this could be different reasons, but generally it is because we want them to close for any vet appointments due to medical issues, and it is easier to sort these close to our vets.
Dogs that are designated local rehomes are a very small percentage, and we always have amazing dogs that can be rehomed anywhere! 

I've applied to adopt but the dog is still being advertised as available, why is this?

We advertise our dogs until an adoption is confirmed as we have had many situations where people are keen and then change their mind, life changes, or there isn't a match in person. So until we know a dog is headed to it's forever home, they will continue to be advertised.

What if I've already applied? Do I need to apply again?

If you've applied in the last 6 months and none of your information has changed you don't need to fill out a new application. All you need to do is email and let them know what dog you are interested in.

How long does your adoption process take?

This varies dependant on the dog.  If the dog needs a little more time to settle with the foster home, which can be to do with training, medical or something else, the process can take a little longer. 

If the dog is ready to go we will arrange a meet and greet for any home that looks to be appropriate from the applications.  This will generally take place on a weekend, and may involve the dog meeting more than one family.  We have to ensure we work in with our foster home, so they are available to bring their foster dog along.  Once this is completed and the appropriate home chosen we will need to complete the home check, which we aim to do in the week following the meet and greet.  

Once the meet and greet is finished and a home is chosen the dog will generally go on trial within 7-14 days, dependant on availability of the potential adopters, although quite often we can do a lot faster if our team have time!  

We do not rush our process, as it is imperative we select the right home for the dog, however we do it as fast as time, and everyones schedules, will allow! 

What if I'm not shortlisted for the dog I like, am I bad owner?

Don't panic! This does not mean you are a bad dog owner at all. All of our dogs have specific requirements so we match new owners best able to provide this.  

Sometimes the first dog you want doesn't work out, but please contact us if you see another. We love placing dogs in happy homes! 

I have an existing dog with behavioural issues, can I still adopt?

If you have a dog that is reactive, fearful, anxious, or displays other concerning behaviours, we strongly suggest that you seek behavioural help before attempt to adopt another dog.  It is not only unfair on your own dog, but it is unfair on our dogs for adoption as well. Getting a second dog does not "fix" another dogs behaviour, only training can do this. 

We will not adopt our dogs out into an unsafe environment.

We are happy to point you in the right direction of a good trainer if needed.

I'm elderly, can I still adopt?

Yes. If you are able to give a loving home to one of our dogs, we would welcome your application. However, before applying, please consider the age of the dog and how long you may be able to provide care. Depending on the breed, small dogs can live for up to 20 years or more – so please make sure that you are willing and able to provide for them during this entire period.

Can I adopt a dog as a gift?

No. Dogs are not gifts. We need to ensure that anyone who adopts our dogs is able to take care of the dogs physical, mental and financial needs. 
If you are looking for a gift we can suggest THESE

I live in an apartment, can I adopt?

Yes you can, but not every dog will suit apartment living. We will advise if this is the case when you apply. 

Why don't you cat/other animal test all your dogs?

We simply do not have "test cats/other animals" on hand to test our dogs, and most of our foster homes/potential adopters do not have cats/other animals.
We do not have a big facility where we can do this easily, as our dogs are in foster homes, however we do gauge dogs reactions to other animals when out and about if no direct access. 
The only exception to this is if we KNOW the dog is not ok with these, which we will specify.

Can't you just call me instead of me filling out the application form?

Simply, no. Due to the volume of apps we have coming in, and our volunteers working full time (along with having dogs, families etc) we simply don't have the time to be ringing everyone. This is why we have comprehensive application forms so we can get to know you and understand what kind of home you are offering for one of our amazing dogs.

New Fee Structure from 1 April 2024

Due to rising costs to get our dogs ready for adoption we have had no choice but to raise our adoption fees. We have tiered this based on age. New fees are as follows;
$600 - 0-2 years

$500 - 2-7 years

$400 - 8+ years

Our longterm dogs will still have a $350 adoption fee

Want to know more about how adoptions work?

Thank you for considering adoption!  We have some amazing dogs, and are excited to see them in new forever homes.

Firstly we require you to fill out our Adoption Application Form. This application has been thought through really carefully so that we can get enough information to understand the home you are offering, and best match you to the right dog. It is vital this is filled out accurately and with as much information as possible to ensure a good chance of being successful.

Once you have filled in your Adoption Application Form, our team will assess this and ensure the dog is right for your home. If not, we will reply and advise this and we may also seek to clarify other aspects of your application as well.

When the dog is ready we will shortlist to the 3-4 homes most appropriate for the dog, and invite them to a meet and greet.  NB: We do not do meet and greets on demand.

At the meet and greet we need you to bring along all members of your family, including any other dogs, with you.  This is to ensure everyone loves the dog, and that he/she loves all of you too!   NB: These meet and greets will be held in Auckland, so please be aware of this when you apply.

If you love the dog as much as we hope you do and our team feel it's a good fit we will then arrange a property inspection.  When doing a property inspection we take the following into consideration;

  • There must be a sufficient amount of grassed area for dog to toilet on

  • Section must be fully fenced and have no gaps/holes for dogs of any size to fit through and be of a suitable height. Please see FAQ's above for info on unfenced properties.

  • There must be somewhere for a dog to seek good shelter from the elements if outside during the day, although most of our dogs are fine inside and crated.

  • Somewhere warm and safe for dog to sleep inside at night, preferably crated.

  • The property must be owned by those seeking to adopt a pet from CDRRNZ, unless under exceptional circumstances. If you are renting we will require a rental agreement from your landlord stating you are allowed to have a dog.

So you pass the property inspection with flying colours, and want to know what’s next?  Good news, you can now take your dog home on a trial!   We always suggest a trial, as it’s good to have a dog in your home environment to ensure they fit in, and work with your lifestyle and family.  This trial is usually a couple of weeks, as it gives the dog, and yourselves, time to adapt and deal with the big and exciting changes in your life. Once the paperwork is signed and adoption fee paid you are set to take the dog home to see how they work in your home.

Our adoption fees are:
$600 - 0-2 years
$500 - 2-7 years
$400 - 8+ years 

This covers microchipping inc registration on NZCAR, full vaccinations (all 3 + boosters), desexing and council registration costs(current year up to 30 June only). This also covers any other treatments they've had as well. If a trial is ended within 1 calendar month of the dog going on trial we will refund your adoption fee minus $100 which covers costs and  support the dog moving back into foster care. After 1 month there is no refund available.

All going well after the trial, you want to adopt?  Great! Now there’s just the paperwork to be sorted.  Easy!

But it doesn’t end there! We can help with anything you may need, from behaviour help to advice on kennels, vets, daycares, or anything in between.  We are always available to help! We have invested a lot of time and love into the dogs we adopt out, so we are able to help for their entire life.

And we want to hear from you! We love success stories, updates and photos and have a parents facebook group for you to join. There is nothing more we love hearing about than one of our dogs having the amazing life they deserve. It's also really nice seeing our dog parents connect, and sometimes catch up! 

Thank you for considering adoption through Chained Dog Rehabilitation & Rehoming.  

Please Note: We can have up to 30 dogs listed online at any one time, which means we could be receiving multiple applications per day for each of these dogs. Each application takes time to process and assess. Our volunteers all have jobs & families of their own so please be patient, we will get back to you but it may be up to 72 hours before you receive a response.  Make sure you check your junk mail too, as our emails sometimes go in there.

If you are applying for dogs through other agencies please contact us if you adopt a dog so we can remove your name from our system. This will save us putting in time if it is not needed.


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