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Hi, I’m Otto. I’m an 8-year-old male mini toy poodle cross, living with my foster family in Auckland. 

Live can be overwhelming for me at times.  

I’m scared of heights, stairs and water - and I’m very timid in certain open spaces. 

Carparks, for instance, I’ll cower down and hug the ground. 

You see, sadly, I haven’t had a lot of life experience.  

My foster mum and me, we’re working on it though, and I’m slowly gaining my confidence.  

I love treats, so that’s been my gateway to trying new things. 

It’s safe to say, my foster mum’s pretty taken with me.  

She says, I’m a quiet guy, with so much love to give. 

A month ago, she bought me a pig ear, for a treat. 

She never expected it would become my best friend! 

Yep, me and the pig ear, we go everywhere together. I’ve been carrying it round for weeks.  

And guess what? I’ve only eaten 1% of it. I just gently nuzzle at it.  

My foster mum says it’s my little security blanket.  

First thing on my to-do list is getting my morning back scratches.  

No day is complete without them.  

Yep, I appreciate the little things in life.  

I’m a bit of a velcro dog too! 

I’ll follow you round the place, watching what you’re doing. 

And I’m always up for some training too! 

Get out the treats and let’s get started! 

If you tell me sit down, or lie down, I’ll give you a high five every time!  

Yep, training’s coming along well. I’m sticking with the trick I do best! 

And, I have to say, my FAVOURITE part of my day is when my foster mum and I take a walk together.  

That’s when I get to see other doggies, which I’m always excited about. I’m confident with my fellow canines.  

My foster mum thinks a rural home for me would be best.  

A place with kind-hearted, understanding people – away from the city, with lots of grassy areas for me to enjoy. 

I’d be happy living solo - or sharing my home with another doggy would be fine too.  

I couldn’t, however, live with cats. I think they’d probably be quite fun to chase.  

But I’m a great guy round people – very social. I like kids too! 

So, if you’re looking for a quirky pig-ear-lover, who is happy following you through your days, why not welcome ME into your life? 


Can't adopt Otto but still want to help? 

Although we charge a small adoption fee, this doesn't generally cover the costs of us getting our dogs ready for adoption. Desexing, grooms, vet care, vaccinations, registration, training and variety of other things can go into these dogs. If you'd like to help either on a one off or regular basis we would be grateful for your donation.


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